Add option to set default value as =TODAY, for date picker type fields
Manjunatha Reddy
Currently, the custom Date-picker type field allows setting a fixed default date. However, there is no option to automatically use today’s date as the default, which would be useful in many cases. Users often need a dynamic default value that updates daily rather than a static date.
Proposed Improvement:
Introduce an option to set “Today’s Date” as the default value for Date-type fields, ensuring that each day, the field defaults to the current date automatically.
If possible, we could also add '+/-n days' option, this could be useful for setting due dates. For example, if a 'P2' bug has a due date of 10 days, we could set the default to +10 and the default date is automatically populated as 10th day from Today.
Perla Ceja Conejo
Once this implemented it would be ideal if the pre-existent fields with date types could simply be updated to have today's date as default value, to avoid having to remove and old one -> Causing data lose in several Projects where the old field was used.
Perla Ceja Conejo
Thank you for assisting on this Manjunatha Reddy!