Add search box for Test Suites in Repository and Test Plans
Ilya Volkov
when a repository contains tens or hundreds of suites, it becomes challenging to look up necessary Suites to work with.
I want to be able to look up a specific Suite (by title or by description) when working in Repository or building a test plan/test run.
Potential solution:
Add a searchbox in the UI for Suites specifically
Badieh Traboulsi
I would love this to be added, it will help out a lot!
Victor Chirinian
We also have a single project that has many suites and nested suites, and this would make it easier for us to run specific test cases.
Bek Alen
it would make the job easier
This will make my life easier
Vladislav Statsenko
I would also greatly benefit from the search by suit!
Jusupbek Asanaliev
I need it so much
Kristian Stauffer
I vote for this! As we have Requirement ID in suite name but you can not search cases based on suite name.
Judit Kővári
Search box for plans as well! I have about a hundred plans, filtered and saved by user profiles, would ne nice to filter them womehow quickly.
Marcel White
Just voting for this as well. I may search for a term which is an actual suite, and not a case. Having the option to return suites and select for use in a test plan/run would ensure I'm including required tests.
Sana Fawal
A search box and a filter for TCs by Suites.
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