A common scenario is running web tests against multiple browsers. Currently, the recommendation to accomplish that is by using parameters e.g. { "browser" : "chrome/firefox/webkit" }.
However, the problem is that when you view a test run (which may have manual and automated tests), despite having the same Test ID, the test cases do not collapse, and take a lot of space on screen.
Test runs are not just automated, they hold manual tests too. If I want further information about a test case and subsequent executions, I would like to click on it to find more. Not have it all on the top level.
The problem is visibility. I have to scroll the entire height of the screen to see test case 2 because I have many browser configurations. (Please see attachment)
I would like to propose that test cases are collapsed by ID (at least by default), and the separated executions are visible on clicking a given config, then you can see the usual test case, attachments, etc.
I did contact support, and an alternative was suggested - if you remove parameters, the tests will run and provide multiple executions but with no good visibility as to which one is which.
A workaround could be to create multiple runs per browser, however, this workaround will require upgrading plans for most users.
As the alternative and workaround are no good, and this is a pretty fundamental UI/UX, I'm raising this ticket. I hope it can be considered soon.