Flaky Test Detection
Ryan Snyder
I'd like the ability to automatically detect flaky tests. I think this would be a very useful feature that wouldn't require too much overhead to implement.
UI Changes: Add a failure rate percentage threshold that can be defined at the project or workspace level.
When the past X for a runs for a test case have a failure rate below the threshold, tag the test as flaky and only remove that tag once the failure rate has increased above the set threshold (require multiple passes in a row to prevent a test from being constantly flipped to flaky/not flaky).
Dan Sayer
Even a way to integrate the automation tests to update the case field of "Is Flaky" if the test passes but only after multiple retries. Playwright output does highlight flaky tests. Having this in Qase would be very useful.
Lisa du Plessis
Yes please! It's imperative to see which tests are flaky, but having to manually check result history and set the flaky field is just not feasible when you have 1000+ tests.